A Memoir by Nancy Canyon

My memoir, STRUCK, is finally published. This has been a long project. Some of you know just how long. When I graduated from PLU in 2007, I had just begun writing a few things about my story of growing up with sexual abuse. It was hard to write, and because it was so hard, I wrote “Celia’s Heaven” instead, and a novel, “Whispering, Idaho,” prior to that. I also wrote a novel, “Ghost Rocks,” which will be my next project to complete. So it wasn’t like I was working on STRUCK the entire time. Creations take time, and so does healing. And space apart from the project helped me see it with more clarity. And then my stepfather died, which gave me more freedom to tell the truth without retaliation.

If you are interested in coming to my reading, it will be held at Village Books on September 20th at 6PM.https://villagebooks.com/event/2024-09I will read something and tell you some stories that aren’t in the book, and you can ask me anything…I mean it. Email me at nancy@nancycanyon.com

Here’s the blurb: During the heyday of drugs, sex, and rock ‘n’ roll, the country awash in war protests and women’s rights demonstrations, Nancy Nelson and her young husband, Jack, take a job as fire lookout attendants on a 6,000-foot mountain located in the Clearwater National Forest. As Nancy Keeps fire watch, she wrestles with leftover trauma from growing up with sexual abuse, as well as the disappointment of a recent miscarriage. Every emotion she feels is exacerbated by solitude, frightening lightning storms, wildfires, and her demanding young husband. Struck: A Season on a Fire Lookout is a story of isolation, extreme weather, and emotional challenges, all of which change how Nancy sees herself as she courageously moves forward and gains confidence in life.

To purchase a book, you can order it at villagebooks.com or from me in my studio. I will be part of the Studio Tour the first two weekends of October. If you want it sooner, email me a nancy@nancycanyon.com and I’ll get you a copy.

Thanks for all your support. Hope to see you at the reading.

Nancy Canyon

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