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Struck: A Season on a Fire Lookout, a book reading February 8, at 2PM
You are invited to a reading of my memoir at Lynden's Village Books by the author, Nancy Canyon. Please come! "The launch in September 2024 at Village Books was well attended, and so much fun. I have read at the Lynden store a couple of times before. It is a nice venue and the inventory there, gifts and books, is great. If you want, get tea or coffee at Avenue Bread next door. And there are lots...
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SATURDAY at 4PM, at The Firehouse Arts & Events Center in Fairhaven, WILDHAVEN WRITERS PRESENTS "A GATHERING OF WOMEN'S VOICES." We will read new and old pieces from Women's Bodies, Women's Words and The Mildreds, an amazing musical group, will entertain us...
Whatcom Artist Studio Tour
It's that time of year again! STUDIO TOUR 2024! Oct. 5 & 6 and Oct. 14 & 15, 10-5 1000 Harris, #6, Historic Fairhaven, Bellingham, WA 98225 SPIRALING LEAVES, a 4' x 6' painting hanging at the Whatcom Museum for one of our WAST showing, October 2024. I have...
A MEMOIR BY NANCY CANYON Book launch for STRUCK will be September 20, 2024, 6-7 PM at Village Books, 1200 11th Ave. Bellingham, WA 98225. I hope you can make it. If you go to, their events page has a link to reserve your seat. Tickets are $5 and with...
STRUCK: A Season on a Fire Lookout
Set during the heyday of drugs, sex, and rock ‘n’ roll, the country awash in war protests and women’s rights demonstrations, Nancy Nelson and her young husband, Jack, take a job as a fire lookout attendants on a 6,000-foot mountain located in the Clearwater national Forest.
CHUCKANUT BAY GALLERY features WAST Artists, OPENING SAT. MAY 4th, 10-5, thru June 4th.
OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY May 4th, 10-5-- 700 Chuckanut Drive N, Bellingham, WA 98229 Reeds and Lilies by Nancy Canyon This coming Saturday, our first Whatcom Artist Studio Tour Show will open the same day as Chuckanut Bay Gallery's Spring Open House. Artists will be...
Women’s Bodies, Women’s Words Reading at Ferndale Library March 6th, 6PM.
Please join us March 6th for a reading from Women's Bodies, Women's Words at the Ferndale Library 222 E 9 Mile Rd, Ferndale, MI, US, 48220, from 6-7pm. Wildhaven Writers have put together a book of abortion stories and poems that is both timely and a must read. Past...
Nancy Canyon’s Wild Mind Writing Class Starts Jan. 16th
A Virtual Class presented by Chuckanut Writers January and the days are darker, and hopefully you are getting out when the sun shines. My husband and I just returned from Winthrop where we skied for four days. Though the snow was thin, we had fun despite slick...
Written by Historic Fairhaven's Wildhaven Writers: Nancy Canyon, Suzanne Harris, Leslie Wharton, and more. You are invited to Wildhaven Writer's Book Launch--October 20th, 6PM at Village Books in Historic Fairhaven, Bellingham, Washington. The event will take place in...
Whatcom Artist Studio Tour & Other News
WAST, The First Two Weekends in October, Yearly WAST: The first two weekends of October each year, I open my studio at the Morgan Block Building in Fairhaven for the Annual Studio Tour. This year, 60 artists are participating in this self-guided tour from 10-5PM on...
Past Work Revisited
STILL PAINTING AFTER ALL THESE YEARS! by Nancy Canyon Lately, I've been pondering creativity, and how I've been stirred in many different directions throughout my life. Back in the 80s, I painted realistic tropical leaves and flowers. I felt passionate about my work...
STRUCK: A Season On a Fire Lookout by Nancy Canyon
My memoir, STRUCK, is complete. Still, moments from the early 70s come back to me often. I write them down in my writing practice. Writing practice is a daily practice that generates ideas and story. This is how I write my novel drafts: Celia's Heaven, "Ghost Rocks,"...
Whatcom Artist Studio Tour Oct. 1,2 & 8,9 Daily 10-5
Morgan Block Studios Features Three Artists: Nancy Canyon, Ron Pattern, & Jill Smith Every October, artists invite the community to their working art studios. The self-guided tour includes Bellingham and county artists located on a brochure and maps available...
STRUCK: A MEMOIR by Nancy Canyon (Coming Soon)
STRUCK EXCERPT: On Corral Hill Lookout at 6,000 feet, we watch for smoke, which might not be visible if a lightning strike catches fuel beneath the ground—a bigger fire waiting to happen once ignited by oxygen-rich air. Our boss, Arizona, says the roots can burn for a...
Nancy Canyon: Poet For the Land
Writing and Sketching in Nature Have you ever walked along a river, perhaps taken a break to sit beneath a tree and breath in nature's freshness? If so, do your surroundings evoke a creative response? Perhaps you want to draw or write or just sit and soak in the...
Writing the Land Poet, Nancy Canyon
Writing poetry and sketching in nature are two of my favorite things to do. When I visit my adopted Whatcom Land Trust parcel, I sit on a log and jot down my ideas, or sketch something in my journal. While I'm "hard at it," my husband, Ron Pattern, one of the land...
“CELIA’S HEAVEN” Available at Village Books, Bellingham
Celia was rarely afraid of the woods, but lately she’d been feeling jumpy, especially after she’d found the kitchen door ajar one early morning when she returned from a dance performance at the Toi Toy Club. She’d switched on all the lights and looked beneath the bed...
Luminous Nature: Upcoming June show @ Inn at Lynden
Artists: Nancy Canyon and Ron Pattern 2022 unfolded with events that stopped us in our tracks. Fortunately, my husband, Ron Pattern and I live on high ground, keep a stocked larder, and stay busy making art. After the flooding, we had beautiful snow and super cold...
Whatcom Artist Studio Tour
Lilies Brother, Acrylic on Canvas, 14"x14" 395.00 The first two weekends in October each year are dedicated to visiting local artists in their studios. Talented artists offer greeting cards, glass, jewelry, pottery, paintings, wood carving, and tooled leather that are...
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Canyon Creations
Morgan Block Studios
1000 Harris Street, Suite #6
Bellingham, WA 98225
(360) 710-7139