Artists: Nancy Canyon and Ron Pattern

2022 unfolded with events that stopped us in our tracks. Fortunately, my husband, Ron Pattern and I live on high ground, keep a stocked larder, and stay busy making art. After the flooding, we had beautiful snow and super cold weather. So we went Nordic skiing in Winthrop with our kids and grandkids. The drive–kind of gnarly but beautiful–afforded us brilliant views of high peaks and snowy river scenes. I took a lot of pics out the window of the truck for fun and for my file of painting references.

Two Fine Artists: Ron Pattern and I are inspired by nature. He is more of a global thinker–looking at the entire forest; I’m more the closeup type, looking at the lichen on the tree trunk–or just the tree reflection. The paintings we will show may include the two above: “Silver Falls Reflection,” Nancy Canyon and “Sunlit Forest,” Ron Pattern. Also posted here are three other reflections, rendered in acrylic. “In the Giant’s Garden” and “Twin Lilies” are reflections from Lake Padden. “Blue Water” is from an reference image I took at Silver Lake while on an art retreat with my friend and fellow artist, Terry Nelson.

If you are an artist or writer and have time to walk beaches or along ponds early or late in the day, you may see reflections of tree trunks and branches on the water. I love to photograph these reflections. If it is overcast, the water can appear white, if it is clear with a smattering of clouds, then the shapes of the clouds will be reflected. All of it is awe inspiring. Take it in if you get a chance.

One last thought: If you are housebound by the pandemic, get out your art supplies. Or if it is safe for you to walk a trail, take a look at the water close to shore, in the shadows, perhaps even in the trees where standing water collects. Just don’t do what I did the other day, step on the matt of leaves that just happened to be carpeting a deep puddle. I walked home with one soaked tennis shoe and one dry one. Squish, squish, squish!!!

Twin Lilies, 10″x10″, Acrylic on Canvas
Blue Water, 2’x3′, Acrylic on Canvas

Fine Artists: Artists’ Nancy Canyon and Ron Pattern, will be showing in Lynden this June. Nancy paints closeups of water lilies and reflections on the water, Ron is known for his forests and water scenes. More to come as the year unfolds.

Nancy Canyon is a visual artist and writer. Her novel “Celia’s Heaven” and book of poetry “Saltwater,” are available at Village Books. Nancy coaches writers for The Narrative Project. If you would like to learn to write, join Nancy Canyon for her upcoming class offered through Chuckanut Writers. “Nancy taught me how to free my voice and tell the story with passion.” ~Anonymous.

To contact Nancy, email her at

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