Purple Bloom, Acrylic Painting on Canvas, 30″x50″ $1,500

Live Interview: Sign up for the Virtual Studio Tour ZOOM event and enjoy learning more about local artist-couple: Nancy Canyon and Ron Pattern. See their studios in the Morgan Block Building in Historic Fairhaven. Enjoy their paintings and explanations of process, inspiration, and technique. Send questions ahead of time and find out more about how the artists work, live, create, and think. You must register to attend. Use the following link.

Link to register to attend the interview: https://alumni.wwu.edu/event/june-virtual-studio-tour-nancy-canyon-and-ron-pattern

“Distant Horizon,” Egg Tempera, 12×18, NFS patternart@yahoo.com

Nancy Canyon works as an author, artist, and writing coach for The Narrative Project. For more about her books, paintings, and classes, contact her at nancy@nancycanyon.com

Ron Pattern works full-time as a fine artist, painting landscapes and figures in acrylic, egg tempera, and oil in his Historic Fairhaven studio. He can be reached at patternart.net

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